Service Benefits


Understand the State of the Market

Receive advice on the functional contours of the market you’re looking at and perspective on critical feature sets and trends.


Speed Up Identification of Viable Vendors

Based on a conversation around your most pressing business needs, our vendor evaluation experts will conduct a market scan to evaluate the top six to nine viable contenders to place on your shortlist.


Build Consensus Around Comparative Strengths and Weaknesses

Our team will research and summarize key vendor attributes to help you make an informed decision on vendor viability without having to invest time doing the research yourself.


Snapshots Are Unbiased and Objective

Our research team is not pay-to-play – you receive a neutral, third-party scan of the market that’s not subject to undue vendor influence.

Vendor Quadrant

Our Perspective

Focus on Critical Business Needs

Focus on your most critical needs that have a clear link to vendor differentiation (rather than table stakes features). Avoid getting bogged down by endless requirements lists that have no prescriptive sense of priority.

Avoid RFP Overload

Scope down the number of artefacts necessary for commodity applications to avoid endless RFP creation. Adjust the prescribed time and effort required for software selection accordingly.

Maintain Stakeholder Engagement

Leverage a concise, custom vendor landscape to maintain project momentum without getting bogged down in the details. Spending excessive time researching vendor minutia slows project progress and reduces stakeholder engagement.

Service Overview

Leverage an Info-Tech analyst’s research expertise in enterprise application selection and market assessment to build a concise vendor snapshot focused on your unique initiative. This concierge service applies to all categories where extra vendor research is required (i.e. there is not an existing SoftwareReviews category for the space).

Define Your Application Marketspace Needs

Speak with an analyst about your business drivers, project objectives, and what kinds of software solutions you’re seeking to evaluate.

Conduct a Market Scan

Within seven business days, your dedicated research analyst will scope and define the marketplace; identify the top software category trends; highlight differentiating category features; and plot the key players with regards to functional breadth and depth, as well as vendor footprint and vendor viability.

Review the Market Scan With Your Team

The analyst will schedule an hour-long debrief call to walk you and your project stakeholders through the results of their research and answer any questions you may have about this space or nuances about key capabilities of top vendors.

Schedule Next Steps

We’ll work with you to develop a custom plan of action on how to accelerate your software selection process with our Rapid Application Selection Framework.

Visit our Exponential IT Research Center
Over 100 analysts waiting to take your call right now: 1-519-432-3550 x2019