Custom Vendor Landscape: Third-Party Risk Management Solutions

Third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions identify, manage, and mitigate risks related to third parties, including vendors, suppliers, partners, contractors, and...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Third-Party Risk Management Solutions Second Edition

Info-Tech defines Third-Party Risk Management as a solution that evaluates and monitors of risk of third-party vendors, contractors and consultants.

Protect Your Organization's Online Reputation

Understanding what your online reputation is can go a long way to understanding and improving your business. Don’t be caught by surprise. Gain control of your...

Address Security and Privacy Risks for Generative AI

This research will help security leaders seeking to better understand the risks associated with using generative AI and will walk them through how to manage those risk in...

Address Security and Privacy Risks for Generative AI Storyboard

This research will help security leaders seeking to better understand the risks associated with using generative AI and will walk them through how to manage those risk in...

AI Security Policy Template

Use this policy template as the basis of your AI security policy.

Generative AI Risk Map

Use this tool to determine your data-security risks and recommended policy statements for using generative AI.

Deliver Customer Value by Building Digital Trust

Digital trust has emerged as the new digital currency, surpassing customer experience as the top strategic priority, and has become the bedrock for all personal and...

Digital Trust Score Assessment Tool

This tool designed to evaluate an organization's score and preparedness in establishing and maintaining digital trust.

Deliver Customer Value by Building Digital Trust Storyboard

Organizations can ensure that digital trust isn't treated as an afterthought by embedding trust principles into all customer-facing business processes.
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