
Enterprise Anti-Malware Evaluation & RFP Response Tool

For organizations that have issued a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) to evaluate enterprise anti-malware vendors, gathering and scoring the various responses can be...

ECM Evaluation and RFP Response Tool

Keep vendor evaluations objective with Info-Tech's Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Evaluation and RFP response tool, and put hard numbers behind ECM vendor claims.

Establishing Training Parameters Template

There are many factors that affect an organization's IT security training needs and goals: environment, specific security threats, and end-user perceptions and knowledge....

IT Security Training Tool

In order to create an effective IT security training program, you must make a series of key decisions based on information gathered during the Establishing Training...

Data Center Relocation Budget Tool

A data center move has numerous one-time and ongoing expenses spanning a range of areas and project phases. It is important to develop an accurate budget up front so that...

Data Center Relocation Data Collection and Bundling Workbook

When moving the data center, developing a detailed inventory and orchestrating bundling and moving of related data center assets is a detailed process with many...

Data Center Relocation Services Provider SOW Scorecard

Statements of Work (SOW) from data center relocation services providers can be very difficult to differentiate because of considerable overlap in key content. This...

Data Center Moving Day Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

The data center relocation move day event requires thorough planning and coordination. A minute-to-minute plan of tasks ensures the move team is prepared for the event....

Data Center Relocation Quality Assurance Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

The QA team plays a critical role on the day of the data center move to ensure all systems are up and running after the move has taken place. Establish test cases,...

Mobile Application Type Assessment Tool

Organizations are under greater pressure to engage a growing customer audience that will potentially access, use and buy products and services via mobile devices. Use...
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