CIO - Templates & Policies

Security Risk Management Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template is used to determine the most effective knowledge transfer tactics to be used for each knowledge source.

Sample Layoffs Policy

Use this template to craft the employee layoff policy.

Layoffs Communication Package

Use this template to manage communication messaging and timing throughout the employee layoff process.

Problem Management SOP

Use this template to record the key details required for effective problem management – both proactive and reactive. Outline a problem management workflow, record the...

IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

Use this template as a starting point to build your proposed IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap presentation to management, to obtain formal sign-off and initiate the next...

Interview Guide Template

Use this template to conduct telephone screening interviews and identify qualified candidates for in-person interviews.

Job Ad Template

This template is designed to allow complete documentation of the characteristics, responsibilities, and requirements for a given job posting in IT.

Idea Catalog: Adapt the Talent Acquisition Process to a Virtual Environment

Leverage technology to hire the right people, at the right time, during COVID-19 and beyond.

Role Profile Template

Use this tool to outline the minimum requirements for your critical roles.
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