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D2L Enabling Rapid Transition to Online Learning Through Quick Start Care Package

Configuring online learning can take time and resources not all organizations have, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. D2L is assisting with this through a Quick Start Care Package to help organizations rapidly transition to online learning.

Many educational institutions and corporate organizations are faced with rapid implementation or scaling of online learning platforms. Learning management system (LMS) providers such as D2L are responding to this challenge by scaling up capacity to meet these needs.

D2L is also supporting the transition from a classroom usage model to online usage model at no additional cost through to July 1, 2020.

Additional resources available from D2L that support these efforts:

Source: D2L Brightspace at SoftwareReviews, Report Published October 2019

Our Take

LMS systems will enable many organizations and educational institutions with their business continuity efforts. This process can seem daunting, especially when under the pressure of rapid transition. D2L’s efforts are progressive in helping organizations through this transition and will help their positioning in the LMS marketplace.

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