Identify and Manage Regulatory and Compliance Risk Impacts on Your Organization

Organizations must understand the regulatory damage vendors may cause from lack of compliance.

Identify and Manage Regulatory and Compliance Risk Impacts on Your Organization Storyboard

Use this research to better understand the negative impacts of vendor actions to your operations.

Operational Risk Impact Tool

Use this tool to help identify and quantify the operational impacts of negative vendor actions.

Regulatory Risk Impact Tool

Use this tool to help identify and quantify the regulatory impacts of negative vendor actions.

The Assignment Clause: Why It Matters

Be forward-thinking in protecting your organization from future risks by checking your agreements for proper assignment language.

Identify and Manage Security Risk Impacts on Your Organization

It is time to start looking at risk realistically and move away from “trust but verify” toward zero trust.

Identify and Manage Security Risk Impacts on Your Organization Storyboard

Use this research to better understand the negative impacts of third-party vendor actions on your organization.

Security Risk Impact Tool

Use this tool to help identify and quantify the security impacts of negative vendor actions.

Vendor Management Executive Governance

Use this research to report the accomplishments of the Vendor Management Initiative to executives and stakeholders.

Broadcom's Acquisition of VMware: A Game Changer for the Industry

Broadcom is to acquire VMware and is expected to close during Broadcom’s fiscal year close in 2023. This is a game changer for the virtualization industry and a heavy...
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