RFP Requirements Worksheet

Use this tool to assist you and your team in documenting the requirements for your RFP.

Improvements in Working Capital Estimator

Use this tool to calculate the financial impact of negotiated changes to payment terms.

Meeting Cost Estimator

Use this tool to determine the cost of your vendor-related meetings.

RFP Cost Estimator

Use this tool to determine the cost of your RFP process.

VMO ROI Baseline and Goals Tool

Use this tool to establish baselines and goals for each component of the ROI calculation.

VMO ROI Data Source Inventory and Evaluation Tool

Use this tool to compile a list of potential ROI data sources and to evaluate the strength of those sources.

VMO ROI Calculator and Tracker

Use this tool to select the ROI components you will use to calculate the VMO's ROI and to track ROI contributions throughout the measurement period. The VMO ROI...

VMO ROI Maturity Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess the ROI maturity of your VMO.

Vendor Risk Profile and Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess the risk exposure of your top 20 vendors.

Software M&S Inventory and Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to inventory and prioritize your organizations software and maintenance commitments.
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