IT spend analytics is a cornerstone or foundation to any VMO comprehension of the vendor landscape.
Use this tool to calculate the value creation (VC) (Savings, Cost Avoidance, Revenue, Working Capital) as a result of your negotiations.
Use this tool to determine the cost of your RFP process.
Use this tool to select the ROI components you will use to calculate the VMO's ROI and to track ROI contributions throughout the measurement period. The VMO ROI...
Use this tool to compile a list of potential ROI data sources and to evaluate the strength of those sources.
This tool allows the VMO to obtain a net promoter score from its internal stakeholders.
Use this tool to determine the cost of your vendor-related meetings.
Use this tool to calculate the financial impact of negotiated changes to payment terms.
Use this general tool to calculate the cost and potential savings due to improvements in processes when other tools are too specific.
Use this tool to estimate and monetize risk and to track changes in risk values over time.