Benefits of a Dedicated Vendor Manager

Discover how a dedicated vendor manager can transform your organization by optimizing vendor relationships, enhancing communication, and driving innovation. This document...

Stop Wasting Time Evaluating Commoditized Products and Services Deck

A guide to understanding how technology markets move through market stages and how hyperchange drives commoditization.

Stop Wasting Time Evaluating Commoditized Products and Services

There’s a new word in the IT dictionary – hyperchange. It’s not a new concept, though – Moore’s Law led to the law of accelerating returns, which very naturally led to...

Introducing Agentforce: Is This the New Salesforce?

Salesforce's Agentforce aims to revolutionize business automation with AI agents, but key technical dependencies, limited proof points, and unclear pricing raise...

How Vendor Management Can Boost Your IT Strategy

Discover how effective vendor management can transform your IT strategy by leveraging external expertise, fostering innovation, and ensuring high-quality service...

Key Insights to Drive Successful Deals With Mega-Vendors: Vendor Contract & Cost Optimization Decks

Use Info-Tech’s benchmarking data and our extensive contract negotiation experience to reduce risks and save significantly with select major vendors.

The Six Million Dollar (Plus) Project: How to Build a Better, Faster, Stronger Approach to Working With Technology Giants!

Are you struggling to get the most out of your contracts with big tech and services vendors? Explore the ins and outs of building a successful partnership with technology...

Transforming Vendor Management for the Future

Increased spend on next-generation technologies will deliver limited returns to organizations that don’t effectively manage the vendors who deliver them. Organizations...

Microsoft Contract & Cost Optimization

Learn what’s behind the anticipated price increase for Microsoft products while unlocking tips and insights on where to look for savings and discounts before renewing.

Getting Out of a Bad Contract Starts Before You Get Into It

Getting into an agreement is easy; getting out can be hard or impossible. With a little planning, though, you can minimize the risk of being stuck in a bad contract.
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