Use this Deal Summary Report Template to document the results of the negotiation process between your organization and the vendor.
Read this Executive Brief to understand why you need to effectively evaluate Master Services Agreement contracts and review all key details of an IT-managed services contract.
IT spend analytics is a cornerstone or foundation to any VMO comprehension of the vendor landscape.
Calculating the impact or value of a vendor management office can be difficult without the right framework and tools. They must be conveyed internally so that other...
The confluence of SAP’s Digital Access outcome-based license model, a massive push for S/4HANA adoption, and the continuing growth of SAP’s cloud offerings present a...
Read this Executive Brief to understand which key indicators and red flags you should be aware of as you progress through the various stages of integrating software...
This storyboard will help you negotiate an agreement with managed services providers that will meet business and IT needs.
Use this tool to establish baselines and goals for each component of the ROI calculation.
This phase of the blueprint, Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk, will help you communicate the results to management, assign accountability and...
This phase of the blueprint, Capture and Market the ROI of the VMO, will help you report the VMO ROI to executives, leadership, and stakeholders.