Vendor Management - Tools

Proposal Evaluation Tool

This tool scores vendor proposals against weighted criteria and provides a vendor recommendation.

Vendor Pricing Tool

Use this tool to request the vendor to respond with their pricing proposal.

EA Capability Metric Definition Tool

After interviewing business stakeholders and identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, record the definitions of the gathered metrics from the Metrics...

Value Measure List

During interviews with business stakeholders, while identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, gather value measures and input them into the Value Measure List.

Enterprise Service Bus RFP Scoring Tool

Use this request for proposal scoring tool to evaluate enterprise service bus (ESB) vendor's ability to meet your requirements and pricing guidelines.

Email Security Gateway Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool

This worksheet allows enterprises to profile their email security gateway (ESG) requirements and generate a rank-ordered vendor shortlist from a fixed list of vendors....

IT Integration Roadmap Tool

Use the IT Integration Roadmap Tool to track key elements during the M&A discovery, integration planning, and execution phases.

Effective Licensing Position Tool

This template will help you create an effective licensing position and determine your compliance position.

Risk Costing Tool

It’s impossible to make intelligent decisions about risks without knowing what they’re worth. Use Info-Tech’s Risk Costing Tool to calculate the expected cost of IT’s...

M&A Software Asset Maturity Assessment

This template will examine the maturity of your current M&A readiness and software asset management practices.
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