Team Leadership & Management - Tools

Critical Role Identifier

Use this tool to evaluate and classify roles to facilitate workforce planning decisions.

IT Behavioral Interview Question Library

This comprehensive competency-based question collection provides a list of behavioral questions that help the talent acquisition specialist and hiring manager interview...

Redeployment and Layoff Strategy Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the redeployment and layoff strategy project.

Termination Logistics Tool

Use this tool to carry out and communicate terminations smoothly through thoughtful planning and consideration of the termination's impact.

IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

The IT Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool is used to identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have.

Decision Making Accountability Workbook

Template to record different decisions the team is called upon to make that provides transparency and accountability.

IT Team Effectiveness Survey Tool

This tool allows you to record and analyze responses from Info-Tech's IT Team Effectiveness Survey.

Identity – Responsibilities and Dependencies

Template to identify and determine key responsibilities of each team member.

Workforce Analysis Automation Workbook

A step-by-step approach that automates analysis of your workforce demand and supply.

Talent Sourcing Analysis Workbook

A visual guide to the considerations for a variety of sourcing routes.
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