Team Leadership & Management - Tools

IT Competency Library

Use this tool to learn about IT competencies and develop your organization's own functional IT competency framework.

Idea Reservoir Tool

Incubate ideas in this Idea Reservoir, and use it to rank ideas based on their alignment with current organizational innovation goals.

Employee Departure Checklist Tool

An exit checklist should be used in all cases of employee departure, both voluntary and involuntary, to keep track of offboarding activities and to ensure offboarding...

Organizational Design Implementation Project Planning Tool

Use this tool to plan and monitor the portfolio of projects specific to the implementation of your new organization.

Metrics Tracking Tool

The Metrics Tracking Tool enables you to track goals and success metrics for your service metrics programs. It allows you to set long-term goals and track your results...

Authority Matrix

The tool is very basic but can be easily adapted to suit each manager's needs. It uses the RACI matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed) to describe the...

Organizational Catalog

Use this catalog to record critical data points about your key stakeholders and to manage their interests and expectations of the IT organization.

Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Scorecard

Before finalizing the EVP, it is important to validate your overarching statement with internal and external audiences to ensure the message meets the necessary criteria...

Flexible Work Options Selection Tool

Use this tool to assess and select the most feasible and valuable flexible work options for your organization.

The First 100 Days As CIO – Presentation Deck

Work with your executive advisor in The First 100 Days As CIO concierge service to complete this presentation deck that communicates your plan for your first three months...
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