Team Leadership & Management - Storyboard

Storyboard: Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization

As workforce composition shifts, mentoring programs must move beyond the traditional senior-junior format option. Organizational culture and goals will dictate the best...

Storyboard: Help Managers Inform, Interact, and Involve on the Way to Team Engagement

Employee engagement on the team level should be owned by those who have the greatest impact on employees’s daily lives – their managers.

Storyboard: Lead Staff through Change

Focus is often first placed on figuring out the operational and process changes, leaving the people aspect until the end. This is the biggest mistake a manager can make...

Storyboard: Manage Stakeholder Relations

Design a stakeholder management plan and a communication plan to tailor your approach for maximum success.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 4: Mature Innovation Capability

Once you have demonstrated IT's ability to innovate, invest in formalizing the IT-led innovation process and implement a program to increase staff engagement with innovation.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation Storyboard – Phases 1-4

Start facilitating innovation to advance the reputation of IT and gain reputation as a true strategic partner.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 1: Launch Innovation

Launch innovation by sponsoring a clear mandate and building the team that will help you meet it.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 2: Ideate

Use proven ideation techniques to identify opportunities for IT-led innovation and brainstorm effective solutions.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 3: Prototype

Create rapid prototypes that allow users to experience an idea before it is built. Prototyping will give you the feedback you need to refine the solution and prepare to...

Become a Strategic CIO – Phase 1: Launch

Before getting started on your personal development as CIO, ensure you are ready to become a strategic partner.
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