Lead - Templates & Policies

IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Plan Template is used to determine the most effective knowledge transfer tactics to be used for each knowledge source.

IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap Presentation Template

Use this template as a starting point to build your proposed IT Knowledge Transfer Roadmap presentation to management, to obtain formal sign-off and initiate the next...

100-Day Plan SWOT Analysis Template

Learn the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that affect the department or organization.

Role Transition Plan Template

Many role transitions are characterized by low productivity and lost opportunities. As one employee exits a role and the successor takes over, a clear checklist-based...

Idea Document

Use Info-Tech’s Idea Document Template to document new ideas in a format that be easily reviewed and assessed by the innovation team.

IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template

The IT Knowledge Transfer Project Charter Template is used to communicate the value and rationale for knowledge transfer to key stakeholders.

Stakeholder Management Plan Template

The Stakeholder Management Plan Template tracks and organizes your strategy and tactics in working with stakeholders.

Communication Plan Template

The Communication Plan Template is used to document and organize your strategy and tactics to effectively get your message across and to address feedback.

Basic Business Change Communication Worksheet

To effectively communicate with staff, it is important to put the business rationale behind change and its expectations into writing. This will be very useful when...

Prototyping Workbook

Use the Prototyping Workbook to plan and execute prototyping, collect evidence gathered during each iteration of prototyping, and document findings.
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