Leverage Info-Tech's research to effectively define and design a data strategy that is catered to the small enterprise environment. Build on your current data governance...
The small enterprise must realize the power of data to remain competitive. IT can lead the business on a patch towards data governance. Use this blueprint to create data...
Use Info-Tech's research to ensure that data quality best practices are integrated within your current IT organization. Identify how data can be leveraged in your current...
Data is becoming an increasingly integral part of conducting business, across a wide breadth of industries. Data can serve as an organization’s greatest asset or its...
Lean IX and Apptio have partnered to produce an integrated solution that better informs the strategic decision-making process with improved visibility into an...
Use this tool to request the vendor to respond with their pricing proposal.
Use this template throughout this project to document findings as you conduct and complete assessments and key ideas and opportunities for your BI program.
Use the Business Data Catalog to manage the business terms, their definitions, and other important details including ownership, systems, and how the data should be used...
Use the Vendor Recommendation Presentation to present your finalist and obtain final approval to negotiate and execute any agreements.
Use Info-Tech’s Vendor TCO Tool to normalize each vendor’s pricing proposal and account for the lifetime cost of the product.