Security Technology & Operations

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phase 2: Develop Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline, will help you develop an implementation strategy for getting to DevSecOps.

Darktrace Antigena Expands Its Network Radius

Darktrace launches new modules to its autonomous response product, Darktrace Antigena, to expand its network coverage to cloud (AWS and Azure), email (Office 365), and...

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phase 1: Identify Opportunities

This phase of the blueprint, Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline, will help you brainstorm potential opportunities for securing DevOps.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phases 1-2

This storyboard will help you transcend traditional application security approaches and embrace the agile mindset to shift security left towards DevSecOps.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand DevOps and how to secure the development pipeline.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline

Transcend traditional application security approaches and embrace the agile mindset to shift security left. Use innovation and automation to secure the DevOps pipeline...
  • guided implementation icon

BitSight Announces New Cyber Risk Score Benchmarking Service

BitSight, one of the leaders in cyber risk rating, has announced a new product to allow organizations to benchmark against their peers. Dubbed “Peer Analytics,” this...

SecurityScorecard Launches Project Escher to Aid Non-Profits With Vendor Risk Management

SecurityScorecard, a leader in vendor cyber risk rating, has announced an initiative to help non-profit organizations with third-party risk management. Named Project...

Privacy Regulation Roundup

This Privacy Regulation Roundup summarizes the latest major global privacy regulatory developments, announcements, and changes. This report is updated on a monthly basis.

Kaspersky Introduces Endpoint Security Cloud in Two Tiers

Kaspersky has revamped its Endpoint Security Cloud to now offer two versions, Cloud and Cloud Plus. Geared towards small and medium-sized enterprises, this two-tiered...
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