This phase of the blueprint, Master Your Security Incident Response Communications Program, will help you understand the benefits and challenges and get the...
This phase of the blueprint, Master Your Security Incident Response Communications Program, will help you to develop strategies for both internal and external communications.
Use this template to facilitate communication between the various departments that make up the Security Incident Response Team.
Use this policy template to help define your organization's procedures and expectations surrounding incident response communications.
Use these guidelines and templates to help draft your organization's communications plan.
Use this tool to build a role-based access control model for your organization. This tool also provides version control and metrics tabs to assist with long-term maintenance.
Use this tool to document and prioritize the tasks required to complete and implement the role-based access control model.
Risks from third parties are on the rise, but many organizations still struggle with how to tackle this problem. A risk-based approach is needed to manage supply chain...
Read this Executive Brief to understand why vendor security risk management is becoming an increasing concern for companies and regulators, and what you can do about it.
This storyboard will help you build or improve your vendor security assessment service using a risk-based approach to maximize efficiency.