Security Technology & Operations - Templates & Policies

Vulnerability Scanning Tool RFP Template

Looking for a vulnerability scanning tool? Use this Request for Proposal (RFP) template to get you started.

Data Classification Standard

Use this template to thoroughly outline details of the data classification program, including classification levels, data handling requirements, and disclaimers.

Project Charter and Status Update Template

Use this template to take a lean approach to scoping initiatives during planning stages and tracking its progress during its execution.

IAM Procurement Project Charter Template

Ensure proper project management and stakeholder support from the start of your project by properly planning and scoping your identity and access management solution.

IAM Vendor Demo Script Template

This template is designed to provide IAM vendors with a consistent set of instructions, ensuring an objective comparison of product features – all while evaluating ease...

Security Incident Management Runbook: Distributed Denial of Service

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Security Operations Project Charter Template

Management buy-in is key to establishing an effective next-generation security operations program. The approval indicates that security is top-of-mind and that the...

Security Incident Management Runbook: Malicious Email

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program blueprint.

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Inject Examples

Info-Tech has developed a portfolio of inject examples that members can leverage to get started and build upon in order to implement their own tabletop exercise capability.

Security Incident Response Interdepartmental Communications Template

Use this template to facilitate communication between the various departments that make up the Security Incident Response Team.
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