Security Technology & Operations - Templates & Policies

Security Incident Management Runbook: Third-Party Incident

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program blueprint.

Security Incident Management Runbook: Data Breach

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program blueprint.

Security Incident Management Runbook: Malicious Email

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program blueprint.

Internal Controls Self-Assessment Checklist

Self-assessments of the system of internal control should be aligned with the risk assessment process and completed at least annually or upon any major change to the...

Internal Controls Communication Plan Template

Internal controls are only as effective as their level of adoption. Use this template to ensure that users are aware and compliant with internal controls.

Security Operations Project Charter Template

Management buy-in is key to establishing an effective next-generation security operations program. The approval indicates that security is top-of-mind and that the...

Audit Log Review Policy

The audit log review policy will outline the standards across company systems for the review of audit logs.

SaaS Service Level Agreement Template

Use this template to document the specific security requirements of your potential SaaS vendor.

Security Incident Management Runbook: Distributed Denial of Service

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Endpoint Protection Vendor Demo Script

This template is designed to provide EPP vendors with a consistent set of instructions, ensuring an objective comparison of product features, all while evaluating ease of...
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