Security - Tools

Identity Security RACI Chart

A best-of-breed template to help you document roles and responsibilities related to identity security.

Identity Security Architecture Tool

A structured tool to help you inventory identity types, threats, and mitigations using the MITRE ATT&CK® framework.

Integrated Risk Maturity Assessment

Use this tool to get a baseline on where you organization is in having the maturity to adopt an integrated risk management program

Jurisdictional Risk Register and Heat Map Tool

Use this Excel tool as the repository for security and privacy risks in high-risk jurisdictions. Describe the risk profile of key risk scenarios, analyze your risk...

Zero Trust Protect Surface Mapping Tool

Use this tool to identify key protect surfaces and map them to business goals.

Zero Trust Program Gap Analysis Tool

Use this tool to perform a gap analysis between the organization's current implementation of zero trust controls and its desired target state and to build a roadmap to...

Zero Trust Candidate Solutions Selection Tool

Use this tool to identify and evaluate solutions for identified zero trust initiatives.

Zero Trust Progress Monitoring Tool

Use this tool to identify metrics to measure the progress and efficiency of the zero trust implementation.

Data Retention Schedule and Risk Identification Tool

Use this tool to determine your data retention schedule as well as high-risk data types and repositories

Data Retention RACI Tool

Complete this RACI matrix to determine your data retention roles and responsibilities.
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