Use the Organizational Change Management Impact Analysis Tool to analyze the effects of a change across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of adoption in...
Use this Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and to determine how best to communicate with...
Use this Organizational Change Management Playbook to institute and continue to improve best practices around organizational change.
Use this tool to conduct a thorough review of your organization's core PPM decision points and key PPM decision makers. Identify areas where decision-maker satisfaction...
Use this tool to conduct a thorough review the effectiveness of your organization's existing dashboards and reports and to identify gaps that will need to be addressed...
This tool provides a list of sample PPM metrics. Use the list to help identify the kind of information that can be gathered to support key decision makers and to help...
Use this tool to record the stakeholder requirements for each dashboard and report to be enhanced as part of the project.
Use our Project Backlog ROI Calculator to determine the costs incurred by your project backlog and determine the value of this investment.
Use our Project Backlog Management Tool to monitor the project backlog and provide executive visibility into the current status of backlog items.
Use this tool to record and organize your business and technical requirements for a PPM solution.