Reducing headcount is a mentally and emotionally challenging task under any circumstance. Use this tool to take a systematic, skills-focused approach to making staff...
Use this tool to map employees to the roles they perform. Estimate the number of employees needed to meet present or future workloads and identify where the organization...
The beginning stages of the project are dedicated to working out the details of the project task schedule. Take advantage of this tool to determine and create a detailed...
92% of IT professionals who achieve their merger and acquisition (M&A) goals create an M&A plan with specific timelines outlined for application, infrastructure, data,...
A cash flow statement is essential to understanding the financial position of the business. There are three key components included in the analysis in order to accurately...
Achieving a high level of service or product delivery from vendors generally requires three components: establishing a set of performance targets with the vendor,...
Use this tool to track on-going project issues relative to four typical project management pitfalls. As problems arise, related to these pitfalls, track who will handle...
This tool assists in identifying decision right gaps by performing a comparison between your organization's unique decision right allocation and the ideal situation.
Use this workbook as a model or first iteration for your homegrown PPM solution. Follow the steps in Info-Tech's Grow Your Own PPM Solution blueprint to populate,...
Use the Organizational Change Management Impact Analysis Tool to analyze the effects of a change across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of adoption in...