Project & Portfolio Management - Templates & Policies

Summary Business Case Presentation Template

Use this template for a short-form presentation of the business case that focuses on the key analysis.

Business Case Close-Out Form

Use the template to go through a checklist of activities that should happen and the accompanying sign-offs.

Transition Team Communications Template

Use the Transition Team Communications Template to capture and communicate the what, where, when, how, and whom of an organizational change initiative.

PPM Dashboard and Reporting Audit Worksheets

These templates are designed to support the PPM Dashboard and Report Audit Workbook. Use this form to gather information at group sessions or workshops so that it can be...

PPM Dashboard and Report Enhancement Project Charter Template

Use this template project charter to create an official project artifact and to mark the official launch of the PPM Report and Dashboard Enhancement Project.

PPM Executive Dashboard Template

This template provides a working example of a PPM Executive dashboard. Replace the example information and visuals with your own data and visuals and create an easy to...

PPM Dashboard and Report Visuals Template

Each tab of this workbook provides an example of a different style of visual that can be used in PPM dashboards and reports. Customize these examples for your own use, or...

PPM Capacity Dashboard Operating Manual

Use this template to create an operating manual for each dashboard or template. The manual identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities for every data...

PPM Dashboard and Reporting Program Manual

Use this template to create an operating manual for the dashboard and reporting program produced by the enhancement project. This manual identifies the core...

IT Steering Committee Charter

Use this template to create an IT steering committee charter.
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