Project & Portfolio Management - Storyboard

Deliver Project Value With a Benefits Legitimacy Initiative – Phase 1: Establish Benefits Legitimacy During Portfolio Intake

This phase of the blueprint, Deliver Project Value With a Benefits Legitimacy Initiative, will help you establish effective benefits articulation and estimating practices...

Deliver Project Value With a Benefits Legitimacy Initiative – Phase 2: Maintain Benefits Legitimacy Throughout Project Planning and Execution

This phase of the blueprint, Deliver Project Value with a Benefits Legitimacy Initiative, will help you establish effective benefits management practices during project...

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phase 3: Implement a New Estimation Process

This phase of the blueprint, Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations, will help you integrate organizational learning and memory into your estimation...

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phase 2: Develop and Refine a Reliable Estimate With Top-Down Allocations

This phase of the blueprint, Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations, will help you use your project history to develop and validate expectations for...

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phase 1: Build Organizational Memory to Inform Early Estimations

This phase of the blueprint, Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations, will help you glean insight and value from your past projects.

Refine Your Estimation Practices With Top-Down Allocations – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you improve the accuracy of your early estimates using top-down allocations and analogous estimation principles.

Optimize IT Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create a resource capacity-constrained, high-value project portfolio that achieves a balanced alignment between stakeholder needs and...

Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization – Phase 1: Set Realistic Goals for Optimizing Process

This phase of the blueprint, Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization, will help you pilot a scorecard for objectively determining project value, and then...

Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization – Phase 2: Build New Optimized Processes

This phase of the blueprint, Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization, will help you take a deeper dive to ensure that the portfolio of projects is best...

Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization – Phase 3: Integrate the New Processes into Practice

This phase of the blueprint, Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization, will help you plan a course of action to pilot, refine, and communicate the new...
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