A step-by-step process for implementing and personalizing a set of PPM reporting templates based on Excel and Power BI.
Use this research to understand the importance of project portfolio management in helping to realize the benefits from project investments.
Use this blueprint to define and plan your journey to realizing Exponential IT for PPM strategic goals.
Many organizations are skilled at optimizing within portfolios, not across them. Use this research to optimize digital portfolios at the enterprise level, across multiple...
A well-structured project review ensures continuity of process, people, and purpose in an unstable world. It anchors the investment in the foundation principles of...
In this concise publication, we introduce you to the strategic portfolio management space and consider the extent to which your organization can leverage an SPM...
A guide to validate if the PMP is still valuable. It will also provide clarity related to the updated PMBOK 7th edition.
Use Info-Tech’s Business Case Executive Presentation to put your analysis into a consumable and concise format. Bring the requestor, sponsor, and BA or BRM together to...
Help decision makers understand the ROI for large, complex projects using cash flow projections.
PMOs can’t do everything and be all things to all people. Define limits with a strong mandate and effective staffing. Make sure you have the skills and capacity to...