Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phase 3: Implement & Communicate

This is phase 3 of the Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy blueprint.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phase 2: Design Shift Left Model

This is phase 2 of the Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy blueprint.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phase 1: Prepare to Shift Left

This is phase 1 of the Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy blueprint.

Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you build a strategy to shift service support left to optimize your service desk operations and increase end-user satisfaction.

Build a Service Support Strategy – Phase 1: Design Target State

This phase of the blueprint Build a Service Support Strategy will help you review service support trends and identify relevant organizational goals.

Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake – Phase 3: Define Next Steps

This phase of the blueprint, Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake, will help you streamline your ticket intake process and prioritize opportunities for improvements.

Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake – Phase 2: Improve Ticket Channels

This phase of the blueprint, Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake, will help you identify improvements for each ticket channel.

Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake – Phase 1: Define and Prioritize Ticket Channels

This phase of the blueprint, Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake, will help you align your improvements with business goals and the shift-left strategy.

Improve Service Desk Ticket Intake – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you identify opportunities to provide quality and consistent customer service.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 3: Set Target Service Levels and Create the SLA

Validate your current state. Develop a project roadmap. Create the internal SLA.
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