Network Modernization Executive Presentation Template

Use this template to create an executive presentation summarizing the key elements of your network modernization project.

Network Modernization RFP Template

Use this template as a basis for the scope of work and technical requirements section of your network modernization RFP.

Network Modernization Roadmap

Use the Network Modernization Roadmap to record and organize your technology, people, and process tasks.

Modernize the Network – Phases 1-3

Network use cases and capacity demands are constantly increasing, and the network must be able to react with stability and agility. Use Info-Tech’s approach to develop a...

Modernize the Network

It is difficult to find a holistic, modern network solution that delivers the services demanded by rapidly changing business and IT needs. Engage stakeholders and conduct...
  • guided implementation icon

Containers and the “End” of Server Virtualization

Just as hypervisors and server virtualization appear triumphant in the data center, you may be hearing that virtual machines (VMs) will give way to containers. But the...

Puzzle Solving for Hybrid-Cloud, Multi-Cloud, and Containers in a Virtual World

With the advent of containers in the emerging technology space and accompanying market excitement, there is much confusion over how to manage applications in legacy...

Is Oracle Finally Poised to Catch up in the Cloud?

Oracle has been late to arrive to the “cloud wars” where (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT), IBM (IBM), and Google (GOOG) have dominated both on the balance sheet and in...

Pole Vaulting the Chasm: Backup Software’s New Cloud Race

Cloud backup isn’t just about finding an offsite repository for on-premises backups. Backup software vendors know that increasingly you will need to backup data that is...

NetApp Is the Storage Comeback Kid. Should You Care?

NetApp is the storage comeback kid. In just over two years NetApp has gone from drowning under to riding the waves of change that are disrupting the storage industry. If...
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