Infrastructure & Operations - Tools

Shift-Left Action Plan

Use this tool to track and prioritize opportunities and tasks to be completed as part of the shift-left initiative.

Self-Service Portal Checklist

Use this checklist as a self-evaluation of features and criteria to optimize the self-service portal to enable a shift left strategy.

BCP Project Roadmap Tool

Building up business continuity capabilities is a marathon; most organizations don't have the resources to mitigate all risks immediately.

Cloud Security Information Security Gap Analysis Tool

The Information Security Program Gap Analysis Tool will help you systematically understand your current security state.

Business Continuity Teams and Roles Tool

Track business continuity teams, roles, responsibilities, and key vendors/suppliers.

Shared Services Implementation Assessment Tool

Assess your customer's technical requirements as you move through the process of transitioning to a shared services model.

Shared Services Implementation Roadmap Tool

Use this tool to identify and prioritize tasks that you need to complete for implementing shared services.

Cloud Cost Management Worksheet

Document your cloud cost management processes and procedures.

Cloud Cost Management Capability Assessment

Assess your organization's cloud cost management capabilities.

Service Cost Cheat Sheet for Azure

Document cost factors by cloud service.
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