Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 1: Scope the Pilot Project

Identify the benefits of an SLA. Identify the pilot project. Create the pilot project charter.

Automate IT Asset Data Collection LIVE 2024 Presentation

​Good asset data can inform every important IT decision, and IT Asset Management can deliver unexpected returns to savvy IT professionals. To deliver accurate,...

Shared Services Implementation Customer Communication Plan

The root cause of many failed implementations of shared services model is a lack of alignment created between upper management and the staff supporting the project...

Stabilize Release and Deployment Management – Phases 1-4

Organizations are struggling to keep current with the constant release of new deployments, patches, and updates. Use this blueprint to help you assess gaps in your...

Shared Services Implementation Business Case Template

When implementing a shared services model, it is integral to ensure that all stakeholders involved in the process are on board with the project. All objectives, benefits,...

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phases 1-3

Understand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service level gaps.

Availability and Reliability SLA Metrics Tracking Template

Establish a framework to collect the necessary metrics to properly evaluate current availability and reliability service levels.

Implement Infrastructure Shared Services – Phases 1-3

It looks advantageous to share services that are unanimously used throughout the organization. Identifying core services, assessing risks, and communicating with key...

Internal SLA Maturity Scorecard Tool

Create a roadmap of your overall service maturity, and leverage recommendations to get you where you want to go.

Release and Deployment Management Metrics Tool

This tool should be used to monitor key performance indicators and report the success of your release and deployment management process to stakeholders.
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