Enterprise Architecture - Blueprints

Select an EA Tool Based on Business and User Need

Maturing EA practices for complex environments requires an EA tool with the capabilities to enable quicker time to business insights while providing simplicity in design...
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Agile Enterprise Architecture Operating Model

Use this blueprint to define operating model design principles, design your EA operating structure, and implement your EA operating model.
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Create Stakeholder-Centric Architecture Governance

Traditional enterprise architecture management (EAM) addresses only the IT function – 10% of an organization and not the other 90%. This research presents another...

Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan

The business is demanding big data capabilities and has forced data architects who haven’t planned for big data into a difficult situation. If data architects do not...
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Perform a Data Audit

The amount of data within an organization is growing at an exponential rate, creating a need for organizations to adopt a formal approach to auditing data. This is the...
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Create a Data Management Roadmap

This blueprint will help you design a data management practice that will allow your organization to use data as a strategic enabler.
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Implement a New IT Organizational Structure

Managing organizational design (OD) changes effectively is critical to maintaining IT service levels and retaining top talent throughout a restructure. Yet many...
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Map Your Business Architecture to Define Your Strategy

Business architecture provides a holistic and unified view of the organization’s activities that provide value to their clients and the of the resources that make those...

Build an Extensible Data Warehouse Foundation

Data warehouse projects are some of the most challenging projects for IT because of its complexity, but it is still a technology that helps you gain competitiveness. The...
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Build a Data Integration Strategy

Data is one of the most important assets in a modern enterprise. Contained within an organization’s data are representations of customers, the products, and the...
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