Use this tool to centralize the organization’s critical digital assets and help clarify the objectives of the project for identified digital assets.
Read our condensed Executive Brief to find out why you should develop a digital asset management program, review Info-Tech's methodology, and understand the different...
Use this Design Principles Handbook to develop your metadata schemas and standards as you create your metadata language.
Use this tool to help you measure the costs associated with a lack of findability, and put a dollar value return from improving your DAM.
This tool helps your team create a comprehensive document of all the data elements involved in your master data records.
Leverage this job description template to identify an individual who can take charge of growing and improving your data warehouse program after the foundation project is...
This template serves as the guiding document that contains the vision, mission, and overarching goals for your organization's data warehouse program.
The Data Warehouse Steering Committee Charter is a customizable template for delineating responsibilities among the members of the committee to further an organization’s...
This phase of the blueprint, Build an Extensible Data Warehouse Foundation, will help you create your foundation project and program governance teams.
This template serves as a place to document, revise, and update your operating procedures related to data handling from end to end.