Enterprise Information Management - Storyboard

Give Your Enterprise Content the Retail Experience: Use Retail Marketing Concepts to Design Intuitive ECM Presentation

​Modern enterprise content is designed to be business-driven and managed. Enterprise content management (ECM) supports effective information management, which is vital to...

Effectively Use SharePoint as Your ECM Solution – Phase 3: SharePoint Migration Planning

Each situation is different. Use the migration options and sample plans to decide which transition option works best for your project.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phases 1-2

Read this storyboard to understand why you should transform the management of your enterprise content from a system to a role.

Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program – Phase 2: Develop ILM Classifications and Policies

This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program, will help you define an information classification scheme and identify the key...

Effectively Use SharePoint as Your ECM Solution – Phase 2: SharePoint Information Architecture

Set the foundations for findability, compliance, and personalized user experience by organizing and labeling SharePoint content.

Right-Size the Governance Model for Your ECM Program – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help your organization establish a governance structure to enable and maintain success of enterprise content management initiatives.

Right-Size the Governance Model for Your ECM Program – Phase 1: Structure the ECM Governance Project

This phase of the blueprint, Right-Size the Governance Model for Your ECM Program, will help you identify the current gaps in your ECM governance environment and create a...

Effectively Use SharePoint as Your ECM Solution – Phase 1: SharePoint Governance

Ensure that user experience drives the SharePoint solution by assembling decision-making and communication channels.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phase 2: Build Recall Muscle Memory Centered Around a Curator

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a Content Curator Playbook, will help you shift governance of content from a feature to a curator role.

Implement a Content Curator Playbook – Phase 1: Reclaim Time Lost to Difficult Data Recall

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a Content Curator Playbook, will help you understand what content your knowledge workers are spending the most time searching for.
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