Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support...
Data marketplaces facilities data sharing between the data producer and the data consumer. The data product must be carefully designed to truly benefit in today’s...
This phase will provide clear benefits of adopting the DaaS framework and solid rationale for moving towards a more connected data ecosystem and avoiding data silos.
This phase will leverage design thinking methodology and templates to document your most important data products.
This phase will provide a step-by-step guide to capture internal and external data sources critical to data products success for the organization and document end to end...
This phase of the blueprint, Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics, will help you understand the data progression across major business capabilities.
Governments are starting to regulate AI. The current efforts are still rather fragmented, but a consensus is emerging. Read our summary from a recent event, the Athens...
This phase of the blueprint, Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics, will help you select the appropriate data design patterns for your data pipeline components.
This phase of the blueprint, Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics, will help you identify data pipeline components.
Put a strategy in place to ensure data is available, accessible, well integrated, secured, of acceptable quality, and suitably visualized to fuel organization-wide...