Use this tool to create and manage metadata for your digital assets using the schemas and standards of the organization.
Use this tool to collect feedback from business users on the current data warehouse and perform an IT assessment of current capabilities.
Use this tool to document your integration mapping through the lenses of business process, applications, and data. Note any observations and opportunities for improvement...
This template allows you to create a comprehensive list of tasks and activities associated with your data warehouse foundation project, from project team formation to...
Use this tool to identify the functional use cases that align with your business's future BI suite.
Use this tool to map out the goals, objectives, benefits, payoffs, and costs of each initiative.
This tool will help you plan and organize initiatives to achieve the target big data architecture.
Use this tool in conjunction with the Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan blueprint. This tool will assist you in determining key...
This template can be used to develop a complete business case for the big data initiative.
This tool will help your organization perform a cost/benefit analysis on its big data initiative.