Value & Performance - Blueprints

Avoid Project Management Pitfalls

To achieve greater likelihood that your project will stay on track, watch out for the four big pitfalls: scope creep, failure to obtain stakeholder commitment, inability...

Establish Realistic IT Resource Management Practices

To properly allocate project work and establish more stable project timelines, PMOs and portfolio managers need to develop a reasonable and manageable approximation of...
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Master the Art of Stakeholder Management in Small Enterprise Environments

Stakeholder management is something everyone does, but unfortunately few people actually do well. Taking the time to properly identify critical stakeholders and...

Implement Lean Management Practices That Work

There are many misconceptions about Lean management and people are often overwhelmed by all the tools and Japanese terminology for what are essentially simple...
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Create a Holistic IT Dashboard

IT leaders need a holistic view of all the practices in their IT department. This blueprint helps you select the right KPIs for your organization, build a dashboard, and...
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Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
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Embed Business Relationship Management in IT

At the cornerstone of IT-business relationships is trust and the establishment of business value. Without trust, you won’t be believed, and without value, you won’t be...
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Key Metrics for Every CIO

As a CIO, there is an endless list of metrics that could be measured. Be strategic and measure the key aspects that tie to your priorities as a CIO. Focus on metrics...

Communicate Any IT Initiative

The purpose of this blueprint is to support any IT employee planning, composing, and delivering IT communications to audiences up, down, and across your organization in...

Effective IT Communications

Never start your communications from a blank page. Leverage the tools and resources available on this Communications Research Center to support any IT communication....
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