Strategy & Governance

Bending the Exponential IT Curve Keynote Presentation

Learn how you can leverage Info-Tech’s actionable Exponential IT framework to help IT embrace exponential technologies and embark on the Exponential IT journey.

Info-Tech’s Leadership Summit Presentation

Info-Tech’s Leadership Summit provides the ultimate onboarding experience tailored to accelerate member value. This includes building an enterprise CKIP, 8 secrets to CIO...

AI Governance x AI Strategy Deck

Learn whether AI governance or AI strategy should come first and if it actually matters.

Exponential IT in Motion: Transform Your Organization by Transforming IT

Discover how CIOs can lean into the curve and transform your organization from this keynote presentation delivered at Info-Tech LIVE 2024.

Exponential IT in Motion: Transform Your Organization by Transforming IT Keynote Presentation

Discover how CIOs can lean into the curve and transform your organization from this keynote presentation delivered at Info-Tech LIVE 2024.

Periculum Case Study: AI for Fraud Detection

How AI is used in fraud detection.

Narrato Case Study: AI for Content Creation & Marketing

How AI is used in content creation & marketing.

Vispera: AI for Shelf Scanning and Product Recognition

Vispera: How AI is used in shelf scanning and product recognition by retailers and CPGs.

Codifin: AI for Recruitment and Managing Tech Talent

How AI is used to recruit and manage tech talent.

Surfer AI: AI for Search Engine Optimization

How AI is used in search engine optimization.
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