Strategy & Governance

Stop Pretending AI Won't Take People's Jobs

​As AI continues to augment and enhance the work humans have typically done, it will continue to upend the labor market, at a faster pace than past technological...

Applying AI Across Customer Service

​Discover how AI can be used across customer service to enhance support operations and improve customer experience. From content personalization to customer service,...

Accelerating Enterprise Digital Services in the Public Sector: Why It Matters in This World of Exponential IT

The road to meeting the public’s evolving expectations of services will get ever steeper in this world of Exponential IT. Learn what IT leaders in the public sector must...

Innovation Is Not Enough: Adopt a Culture of Intrapreneurship

​Intrapreneurship is a top priority at many organizations but rarely achieved. Why is intrapreneurship so challenging? Explore factors impacting intrapreneurship and...

Are We There Yet? The Importance of a Clear Guiding Star for Your Team

We are all on a journey. As we continue to evolve toward Exponential IT, leaders in IT need to create a driving message or mission to align their team and their...

Where Are They Now? Blockchain Edition

​Blockchain technology was all the rage a few short years ago, but it’s since fallen off the radar. Uncover the truth behind blockchain’s precipitous rise and fall as an...

Ignorance Is NOT Bliss in an Exponential World

Ignore the exponential advancement of technology at your peril. IT leaders must make the time to stay on top of the exponential advancement of technology. Learn what you...

Don't Look Past What Drives Your Organization's Success

​Don’t ignore what your customers truly want. Many organizations are not integrating customer opinion data with internal data sources. Yet integrating such data can...

Imagine, Create, Innovate: LLM Prompt Engineering

The Gen AI landscape is vast and full of unrealized possibility. Targeted and specific prompt engineering can help you unlock the full potential of what Gen AI can do for...

Megaputer Case Study: AI for Unstructured Data Analysis

How AI is used in unstructured data analysis.
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