Design thinking is not a new concept. Many organizations have tried it; some have dismissed it as “management fad" or "simple techniques." This research will assist...
For a strategy to be highly effective and well-received, it needs to be tightly connected to the business goals that drive the organization. An application-enabled...
There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
The COVID-19 crisis demands solutions, and some technologists might insist it's time to move fast and break things. But building new technologies without digital ethics...
In our 2020 Tech Trend Report, we discussed the concept of building out the autonomous edge as a competitive differentiator. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent...
Large organizations end up creating bureaucracies, which slow down the pace of innovation. An antidote to bureaucracy is a platform structure: small, autonomous teams...
The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.
While the impacts are still highly uncertain, there are tactics that innovation teams can be pursuing to help their organizations through this period and into a more...
Artificial intelligence (AI), as a collection of techniques rather than a singular technique, sits at various levels of expectation and deployment — with some...
The speed at which IT leaders need to reduce costs is unprecedented. IT faces a momentous challenge to identify and prioritize cost-reduction measures that don’t...