Understand the business context specific to your strategic IT initiative. Each strategic IT project requires answers to a specific set of questions regarding the...
Trend reports provide an academic outlook on what is happening in the technology landscape. Additionally, our report links trends with common business enablers....
This research will help your organization understand what digital twin is, including the unique characteristics of this transformative technology. Articulate both the...
Open data programs often don’t get the attention or resources they need to thrive. Build a more robust open data program by following this blueprint’s method behind...
This blueprint helps enterprises looking for either business model transformation and/or digital transformation to understand platform strategies and the design of...
Learn how four key trends in 2020 require businesses to find their place in an AI-driven ecosystem. There is no longer any business that's too big to disrupt and business...
Smart contracts are revolutionizing the fundamental way people and businesses transact. Traditional methods of recording transactions and contracts rely on excess manual...
If we are to realize the business value through the adoption of emerging technologies, CIOs must address significant challenges. We believe addressing these challenges...
The speed at which IT leaders need to reduce costs is unprecedented. IT faces a momentous challenge to identify and prioritize cost-reduction measures that don’t...
Artificial intelligence (AI), as a collection of techniques rather than a singular technique, sits at various levels of expectation and deployment — with some...