Use this template as a communication tool to highlight the critical aspects of your IT strategy.
The IT standards policy organizes standards by technology category, distinguishes standards from preferred products, and documents products or policy standards that...
The anti-corruption policy will outline the ethical and behavioral expectations of a corporation.
Use this template in conjunction with the CIO Business Vision Communication Deck to present the results of your CIO Business Vision survey to business leaders.
This template contains examples of and instructions to create a strategy alignment map.
CIOs must understand the business context to create and obtain buy-in for strategic IT initiatives (e.g. IT strategy, IT budget).
Read this Executive Brief to understand the purpose and benefits of understanding the business context.
This tool will provide you with business context questions tailored to your initiative. Based on what you need to know but don't yet know, the tool will recommend...
Use this template to document the key findings from the business context discovery questions in a format presentable to the business.
Understand the business context specific to your strategic IT initiative. Each strategic IT project requires answers to a specific set of questions regarding the...