IT Steering Committee Challenge Assessment Tool

Organizations that operate effective IT Steering Committees realize better IT project priority setting as well as improved alignment with business objectives. Use this...

Merger & Acquisition Target Technology Environment Selection Tool

Deciding on a post-merger target technology environment is a crucial planning step for IT professionals who are about to go through a merger or acquisition (M&A). Use...

Merger & Acquisition Project Planning and Monitoring Tool

92% of IT professionals who achieve their merger and acquisition (M&A) goals create an M&A plan with specific timelines outlined for application, infrastructure, data,...

Decision Rights Gap Analysis Tool

This tool assists in identifying decision right gaps by performing a comparison between your organization's unique decision right allocation and the ideal situation.

EA Capability Metric Definition Tool

After interviewing business stakeholders and identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, record the definitions of the gathered metrics from the Metrics...

Value Measure List

During interviews with business stakeholders, while identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, gather value measures and input them into the Value Measure List.

Cloud Organizational Impact Assessment

A tool to help determine how your organization might be affected by cloud technology should you choose to move your services there.

Core Capability Mapping Tool

Use this tool to assess the level of capability of your IT staff.

Organizational Change Impact Assessment Tool

The Organizational Change Impact Assessment Tool outlines the impact of the change in your organization.

IT Due Diligence Report

This tool helps the CIO and IT due diligence team with tracking and documenting ongoing information discoveries throughout the due diligence phase of an M&A transaction.
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