Cost & Budget Management - Storyboard

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 3: Implement

In the implement phase, you will communicate the rollout of the IT chargeback model and establish a process for recovering IT service costs from business units.

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 2: Define

In the define phase, you will develop a chargeback model. Activities include identifying user-facing IT services, allocating IT costs to services, and then setting up the...

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 1: Launch

In the launch phase, you will make the case for IT chargeback. You will then assess the financial maturity of the organization and identify a pathway to success. Lastly,...

Implement an IT Chargeback System – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you develop an IT chargeback program that establishes IT cost transparency and accountability for the consumption of IT services.

Storyboard: Establish a Service-Based Costing Model

Service-based costing brings clarity to IT expenditures and visibility to IT consumption. However, overcoming the challenges of service-based costing requires a logical...
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