People & Leadership

New Hire Conversation Guide

The first step to engaging new employees is getting to know them. New hire conversations are informal interviews that should be conducted within the first 90 days of an...

Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

Use this tool to document key roles, incumbents, potential successors, and associated readiness and risk points.

Help Managers Inform, Interact, and Involve on the Way to Team Engagement

The responsibility of employee engagement has been abdicated to HR and the executive team for years. It’s time for managers to take ownership.

Storyboard: Help Managers Inform, Interact, and Involve on the Way to Team Engagement

Employee engagement on the team level should be owned by those who have the greatest impact on employees’s daily lives – their managers.

Basic Business Change Communication Worksheet

To effectively communicate with staff, it is important to put the business rationale behind change and its expectations into writing. This will be very useful when...

Advanced Business Change Description Form

To effectively communicate with staff, it is important to put the business rationale behind changes and their expectations into writing. This will be very useful when...

Lead Staff through Change

Managers are often too busy focusing on process elements of change; as a result, they neglect major opportunities to leverage and mitigate staff behaviors that affect the...

Change Impact Assessment Tool

The purpose of this tool is to aid managers in determining the level of impact a change will have on their staff.

Lead Staff through Change: Employee Change Personas

Staff members resemble four common personas as they transition through a change process. Learn how to manage each persona differently to leverage and mitigate employee...

Storyboard: Lead Staff through Change

Focus is often first placed on figuring out the operational and process changes, leaving the people aspect until the end. This is the biggest mistake a manager can make...
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