As new technologies and ways of working emerge, the role of IT changes. So should your job descriptions. Don’t waste time searching online for the perfect job...
The rapid evolution of AI has created gaps between the required and available skills needed to smoothly implement and maintain AI. Combined with the pace of change, this...
Build an annual IT talent strategy focused on four key pillars: culture, organizational structure & roles, learning & development, and recruitment and retention. Treat...
Organizations are relying on IT to lead the critical, faster, and more frequent changes happening due to, among others, emerging technologies. An effective OCM strategy...
Change is the new standard for CIOs, and it’s easier than imagined. Proper change management will make or break your transformation. Investing the appropriate time,...
In this insightful session, we will discuss the career trajectory from Enterprise Architect to CIO. We will explore the pivotal role that Enterprise Architects play in an...
The demand for competent and qualified security professionals is higher than ever. In this insightful keynote presentation, you will learn how to tap into your existing...
Understand why reputation matters to IT as a professional service to build client trust and revenue. Reputation drives revenue, particularly in professional services...
Unlock the secrets of building a successful CIO brand, while complementing IT’s operational success. Explore valuable insights and actionable takeaways from this keynote...
This keynote, delivered at LIVE 2024, uncovers insights on how IT leaders can embrace adaptive leadership, blending technology with human-centered values to lead at the...