People & Leadership - Blueprints

Equip Managers to Effectively Manage Virtual Teams

Virtual work arrangements are increasing, and in many organizations having virtual team members is business as usual. Training managers to become more planful and adjust...
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Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
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2021 IT Talent Trend Report

Due to the shift in the way we work, there have been changes in the IT department. What are we seeing now and what can we expect for the IT talent of the future?
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Recruit and Retain People of Color in IT

Diversity and inclusion strategies and a myriad of programs have been implemented in companies across the world. Despite the attempts, many IT organizations still...
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Implement an IT Employee Development Plan

Today, operating environments change quickly, and it is critical that IT departments develop the competencies employees need both today and in the future. Do this...
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IT Diversity & Inclusion Tactics

Communicate diversity and inclusion concepts and expectations to managers, shift employee mindsets towards inclusion, and examine work practices.

Leading Through Uncertainty Workshop Overview

This program is for all IT leaders who are accountable for managing employees through times of uncertainty that have the potential of derailing productivity and engagement.

Recruit and Retain More Women in IT

Fight the war on talent by leveraging straightforward tactics to help you build a targeted recruitment and retention strategy to attract more women in your IT department.
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Leadership Workshop Overview

This program is for all IT people leaders who lead functions, oversee resource distribution, build engagement, and enhance productivity.

Build an IT Succession Plan

Key roles hold an organization’s most valued knowledge and skills. In the worst cast scenario, a key employee’s departure results in loss of valuable knowledge, core...
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