CIO - Tools

Metrics Tracking Tool

The Metrics Tracking Tool enables you to track goals and success metrics for your service metrics programs. It allows you to set long-term goals and track your results...

Quality Management Capability Assessment and Planning Tool

Assess your current quality management maturity.

Quality Management Review Template

Use this template to form a standard quality review template that can be used to periodically review the performance of the quality initiatives in your key IT practice areas.

Organizational Design Implementation Project Planning Tool

Use this tool to plan and monitor the portfolio of projects specific to the implementation of your new organization.

Cost-Cutting Planning Tool

Use this tool to create an IT cost-cutting plan.

EA Capability Metric Definition Tool

After interviewing business stakeholders and identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, record the definitions of the gathered metrics from the Metrics...

Value Measure List

During interviews with business stakeholders, while identifying high priority capabilities and initiatives, gather value measures and input them into the Value Measure List.

Disruptive Technology Research Database Tool

This tool will help you keep track of your longlist of disruptive technologies over time. Remember: analysis of disruption is an iterative process.

Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

Use this tool to document key roles, incumbents, potential successors, and associated readiness and risk points.

Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...
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