A tool that will help you formalize any individual temporary working arrangements needed to balance caregiving for dependents with working from home during a pandemic.
Record key information and analysis results, and develop a plan of action in this integral workforce planning project document.
Be prepared to launch emergency work-from-home measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use this tool to quickly determine eligibility, audit technology and setup...
You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide employees with this infographic to help them remain productive...
You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide managers with this infographic to help them maintain...
Communication is essential during a crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Use this infographic to understand what HR needs to communicate to employees during...
Use this workbook to document key information and decisions while developing the redeployment and layoff strategy project.
Use this tool to evaluate employee segments like roles or departments and determine which are most important to the organization's short and/or long-term viability.
Use this tool to carry out and communicate terminations smoothly through thoughtful planning and consideration of the termination's impact.
Use the Termination Costing Tool to calculate the total cost of an involuntarily departing employee's termination package. Customize the tool to suit your organization's...