Applications - Templates & Policies


Use this template to complete a RASCI chart (Responsible, Accountable, Supported, Consulted, and Informed).

Backup and Recovery Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

Data Change Communication Plan Template

The Data Change Communication Plan will help ensure stakeholders are aware of the data changes happening, how it will affect them, and when it will occur. The...

Mobile Device Reimbursement Policy

The mobile device reimbursement policy will outline the devices and voice/data plans that qualify for corporate reimbursement and the limits of corporate reimbursement of...

Agile Project Charter

A template that is intended to be organic throughout the project. It is a communication document that includes just enough information to keep team members aligned.

Mobile Device Remote Wipe Waiver Template

Having the ability to remote wipe is one of the most basic tools in IT's arsenal for securing mobile devices. Use this remote wipe waiver template to create a document...

Data Cleansing and Quality Policy

The data cleansing and quality policy will outline the responsibilities for ensuring that all corporate data adheres to the principles of data quality and that redundant...

BI Project Charter Template

Ensure the BI project receives the appropriate resources, funding, and approval by using the BI Project Charter Template.

QA Strategy Template

A QA strategy document defines the approaches and practices to achieve your organization’s testing objectives and product success criteria. Ideally, this document is...

Business Process Improvement Workbook

Use this template to document and collect the data outputs from the Create a Winning BPI Playbook blueprint.
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