Applications - Templates & Policies

Dress Code Policy

The dress code policy outlines appropriate and inappropriate work attire.

Functional Test Plan Template

This tool provides an outline to aid the development of a functional test plan for a software application.

Functional Test Results Template

This tool provides a template for tracking functional test results.

CSM Platform RFP Template

A Request for Proposal allows an organization to provide vendors with a detailed account of the requirements and the expected capabilities of the desired suite. Create a...

Data Governance Steering Committee Charter Template

Use this committee charter template to organize and unify the direction of the data governance steering committee.

Requirements Management BA Playbook

Use this template to define practices and procedures for how requirements should be managed in your organization.

Data Security Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

E-Mail TCO Worksheet

The “E-Mail TCO Worksheet” helps IT leaders peer into existing e-mail infrastructure and provisioning costs. IT leaders will gather expense information for 19 specific...

Retention Schedule Template

Define policies around information retention and destruction in order to ensure compliance.

Functional Testing Software Evaluation Form

Scoring vendor solutions solely based on their presentations or marketing material provides only a limited picture of a software solution. Due diligence must be performed...
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